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  • What does UnuPana stand for?
    We came up with our brand name after a lovely brainstorm session in a local restaurant in a small town by the Mediterranean coast, Torredembarra (Spain). We wanted to share via our brand our concern and respect for what we think it’s one of the most necessary sources in the world: water. Unu means water in Quechua, the language of the incas, an ancient society that really impressed us and stole our hearts during our trip to Peru (pre-first pregnancy times :p ). Pana is the short version of pañal which means diaper in Spanish. Combining them: UnuPana was born :)
  • How many UnuPana diapers do I need?
    This will mainly depend on how many changes per day your baby does at the moment of the diaper use and whether you want to go fully or partially into washable diapers. We highly recommend to begin with our UnuPana Starter Pack which includes 8 kits and will give you, at least, one full day of full coverage (considering the average change per day for the first months). If your loved one is a bit older you get even more daily coverage. You can also get 2 UnuPana Starter Packs to allow you to have one full set fully available while the other is getting dry and ready for a next round.
  • Why washable diapers?
    Disposable diapers have an enormous environmental impact throughout the entire life-cycle process. They are produced with plastic materials which are very difficult to recycle and mostly end up in landfills or being incinerated. Both causing an enormous environmental impact. It is estimated that around 1 ton of waste is produced for each child on single-use diapers after two years and a half!* On the other hand and not least important, many manufacturers of disposable diapers do not specify all the ingredients used in the products. Actually, did you know that at the moment there is no such a strict baby diaper specific European regulation whatsoever for their composition, manufacture or placing in the market? A risk assessment conducted by ANSES (French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety) showed that under realistic conditions of use, threshold values were exceeded for several chemicals. These analyses detected a number of hazardous chemicals in disposable diapers that could migrate through urine, for example, and enter into prolonged contact with babies’ skin. Lastly and also very relevant, all the money you can save by using washable diapers. *Check our Did you know section for more details.
  • Are there different sizes?
    Our Unupana diapers have click buttons for size adjustment: UnuPanas grow with your little one. Our diapers are recommended to be used from 4kgs onwards once your baby's leg is well adjusted. Click on our how it works section for more details.
  • How do UnuPana washable diapers work?
    Our diapers consist in two parts: the water-resistant cover and the adsorbents that are inserted inside the cover. That is all! They are fast-drying since it´s a two-parts diaper. Once dried, UnuPanas are ready for the next round. For more details you can check out our how it works section .
  • Do I spare money using washable diapers?
    It is estimated that washable diapers can spare your wallet up to 1,800Eur for a first child*. This saving is even more significant for subsequent children as the upfront investment has already been done.
  • Are washable diapers really better for the environment?
    It is estimated that the use of single-use nappies by an average child over two and a half years would result in a global warming impact of approximately 550 kg of CO2 equivalents. The manufacturing of wood pulp alone is highly water intensive and creates additional waste that needs to be treated onsite. Not to mention the environmental impact of disposable diapers´waste. These mostly end up in landfill or are incinerated causing soil and groundwater contamination, greenhouse gas emissions among other negative environmental impacts. The carbon footprint of a nappy can be reduced by 40%, equivalent to some 200kg of CO2 equivalents, over the two and a half years, by swapping to reusables. The impact is also dependant on the laundry behavior (fuller load for instance),that is why we really recommend to follow the label instructions (temperature, outside drying etc).
  • Are there any subsidies to buy washable diapers?
    Some municipalities offer subsidies to families who decide to use washable diapers. You should check with your municipality/public institution in charge of this for further information.
  • Where do UnuPana diapers are produced?
    We only produce in Europe because we want to ensure ethical conditions with our partners as well as reduce CO2emissions as much as possible. Our suppliers are located in Spain, particularly in the region of Catalonia.
  • What happens with number two (for the washing machine)?
    We (highly) recommend adding a biodegradable bamboo liner on top of the organic cotton absorbents. This makes it easier to clean in case of a number two. Once the diaper is full, you only need to throw away the biodegradable liner, remove the inserts from the cover and put all into the washing machine. As simple as this! For more details you can check out our how it works section.
  • Can I also use UnuPana diapers during the night?
    Of course you can! Just add an additional absorbent to your standard absorption need (if your little one needs two adsorbents during the day, add a third one as booster for the night).
  • From what age can I start using washable diapers?
    UnuPana diapers are intended to be used for the entire diaper period of your loved one. It grows with your baby until potty trained. However, it is recommended to start using it once the baby is at least 4 kgs to ensure a good adjustment of the diaper. Choose the smallest size (with the plastic free click buttons); the diaper should be adjusted to your baby's legs. Check our How it works video for more details.

Do you have other questions about how to use or start with cloth diapers?

UnuPana team will gladly answer them.
Get in touch with us.
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